HubSpot Insights

How SecureWorld Cleaned Up its Bad Data with the Help of The Insight Studio.

Written by Andrew Schulz | Aug 1, 2024 9:28:34 AM

Bad Data

Renowned marketer Neil Patel of NP Digital posed the question, "How much is bad data costing your business?" According to MIT Sloan Management, the short answer is 15% to 20% of your revenue. For SecureWorld, this translates to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

It gets worse. Nimbly Technologies offers these startling statistics:


In this modern world, we are awash with data. It is a relentless force. Data from our cellphone usage, data on our diet, data on how many subscriptions we have at any given time. And if your data is dirty, it is costing you money!


 They have a lot of data! And it grows every day. They asked us to help them clean up their data and develop sustainable data-management systems that they can use to keep their data clean. 

From Drew Hall with SecureWorld: 

"Managing our CRM’s data hygiene had become too cumbersome and time-consuming for my small department to handle."

Check out their upcoming virtual conference this August 28, 2024. 

 Key Metrics:

  • Completed a full portal audit to accurately understand and identify pain points and opportunities for improvement
  • Removed 60,000+ hard bounce contacts from the system, saving the client money, time, and hassle
  • Removed 2,000+ duplicate contacts from the system, ensuring communications reach the correct inbox and streamlining customer outreach

The Problem: Disorganized Contact Base Stifles Operational Processes

SecureWorld faced a critical challenge stemming from the cluttered state of its database, rife with hard bounce and duplicate contacts. The disorganization of the database was severely impeding the efficiency of both marketing and sales operations.

Our Solution: Backend Organization Leads to Streamlined Solutions

Step 1: Portal Audit

After discussing key pain points with SecureWorld, our team got to work identifying opportunities through an audit to help refine the database and streamline operations. This audit served as a crucial diagnostic tool, pinpointing areas within the portal where improvements were needed to optimize database management and enhance overall performance.

Step 2: Refine Contact Base

Hard-Bounce Contacts

The presence of irrelevant and redundant contacts not only complicated targeted marketing efforts but also disrupted sales outreach initiatives, leading to wasted time and resources. The existence of hard-bounce contacts risked damaging the company's email reputation, potentially resulting in legitimate emails being flagged as spam. 


The Insight Studio conducted a comprehensive analysis of SecureWorld's contact database. We embarked on a focused initiative to purge bad data, duplicate contacts, and bounced leads.

Step 3: Effective Marketing 

By consolidating duplicate entries, we ensured data integrity while simplifying the database structure, laying the groundwork for more effective marketing and sales operations moving forward.

Addressing this database issue emerged as a paramount priority to streamline operations, enhance targeting precision, and optimize resource allocation for

The Results: Organized Contact Database Paves the Way for Marketing and Sales Success

The Insight Studio

We helped SecureWorld take a disorganized system that hindered productivity and incurred unnecessary costs and streamlined it so SecureWorld had an additional 60,000 new database slots for growth saving them money and wasted cost and efficiencies.

Why should you pay for contact information that is not contributing to company growth or success?


This week's HubSpot Power-Tip is about how to automate cleaning your bad data contact list. We also designed an Infographic to give you step-by-step instructions on how to do this.  

(4-minute Power-Tip video) How to Clean Bad Data from your HubSpot CRM

Check out Power-Tip 1: "How to  Use Fathom AI and HubSpot" on our YouTube channel

SecureWorld an Insight Studio Success Story

Addressing this database issue emerged as a paramount priority to streamline operations, enhance targeting precision, and optimize resource allocation for

Drew Hall with SecureWorld:  

"The Insight Studio. Andrew and his team were a pleasure to work with from the word go. They collaborated to accurately define the scope of the project, and then doggedly set to work—finishing on time and over-delivering in the process. We are now well-positioned for future initiatives that will fuel our growth!" 

Insight Studio's proactive approach ensured that SecureWorld could leverage the HubSpot platform more effectively, facilitating targeted marketing efforts and streamlined sales processes in the journey toward operational excellence.

Tired of "dirty data?" Let us help you create a scalable solution for business growth today!