HubSpot Insights

5 Ways to Use HubSpot Data to Meet Your Marketing Goals

Written by Andrew Schulz | Jul 28, 2020 2:45:00 PM

HubSpot is a robust marketing tool that provides users with a plethora of data. But for many marketing VPs, the sheer amount of data can be paralyzing. How do you apply all that information to make improvements to your marketing campaigns?


Here's the thing: too much data is a good problem to have. All you need to know is how to use it to help you meet your goals. We recommend these five ways to apply your HubSpot metrics:

Top Landing Pages

This metric allows you to see your top five most visited landing pages and the views and conversion rates of each. Use this information to understand what formatting and content are doing the best job of attracting buyers. Then simply adjust other landing pages to mirror the most successful page.

Landing Page Performance

This also looks at landing page data, but at a more in-depth level for individual pages. This includes conversion percentages, views, submissions, and new contacts for a landing page. Submissions refer to viewers who have given you some information about themselves (most typically name and email address).

They may have done so to start receiving your newsletter, to download a white page, or to be the first to hear about new products. Whatever the case, the landing page performance metrics will help you discover what kind of content people most want from you.

Bounce Rate

The bounce rate gives you an idea of how many people leave your website on a given page. The Search Engine Journal reports that the average bounce rate for a website is 41 - 55%. Most experts advise companies to aim for below a 40% bounce rate. Anything between 40% - 70% indicates there is room for improvement. Anything above 70% is a clear red flag and needs your attention immediately.

A few ways to fix a high bounce rate are to make sure your navigation is clear, add CTAs to every page, and speed up your site. According to Kissmetrics, 47% of people expect a page to load within two seconds, while 40% leave a website that takes longer than three seconds to load.  

Sourced Traffic

This metric shows you how people are finding their way to your website. It breaks traffic down into five categories: organic search, referrals, social media, email marketing, and direct traffic. Use this data to decide where to spend your time.

Is social media bringing in enough traffic to make it worth spending a lot of time on? Should you dedicate more resources to email marketing? Is organic search bringing many people, or do you need to work on your SEO?

Email Opens and Click-through Rate

Your email open rate says a lot about the content your subscribers are drawn to and the quality of your subject lines. A low open rate indicates you need to work on one or both of these areas. Your click-through rate is highly significant as it drives people to your website, where they might ultimately be converted to a sale.

Don't only concentrate on the click-through rate, though. If your click-through rate is awesome, but your open rate is poor, you will still have fewer conversions. Mailchimp's breakdown of average open and click rates by industry might help you set your goals for these metrics.

Determining the right metrics to track for your company will help you keep revenue high and marketing costs low. There are many more metrics tracked by HubSpot, and these examples are presented only as starting points for your marketing team. Before you do anything with metrics, be sure to set your marketing goals. Your goals will help determine which metrics you should be tracking.

The Insight Studio's HubSpot Administrators are here to help your marketing team get the most out of HubSpot. We offer HubSpot implementation, consultation, and training services that will put your marketing team on the path to long-term success. For more information about our services, contact us today.


Updated 3/13/23